
Deep or shallow

If I were to say a river is deep or shallow you would instantly know what I mean. But, if I were to say a person is deep or shallow, it seems abstract. Is it fair to say that a deep person would probably try to know you "deeper" than usual? Seeking to understand how you operate inside? Picking up clues? Sensitive to your needs? You can know a person for the longest time and still now know what is in a person’s heart or mind. And that is why communication is so crucial. But what happens when you get tired of talking because you’ll be back to square one after time. I guess women are by nature sensitive. Sensitive to words and actions. And also, to words not spoken and actions not made. Our yes is no and our no is yes. So to avoid confrontations, I ask myself this question taught by one of our pastors from church, “Would it matter in a thousand years?” If it’s not, it’s best putting it aside or overcoming it. I have two perspectives here. If I were to think myself as a thousand and twenty-five years old then yes, it would not matter because I would be really old and de-energized by then. But, if I were to think myself as still being twenty-five years of age I would think even in a thousand years it would matter. Every little thing does, doesn’t it? I know it would be cliché to say that this is the time to seek God first but it really is. I am waiting on Him not to change others but myself.

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