
My hobbies

I don't know about you but my hobbies don't seem to last - the healthy hobbies I mean. One example, blogging. I've been totally out for quite some time. What else. Badminton - I remember I bought a new racket last two years but only played for a few months. Jogging - bought a new pair of running shoes and jogged for six months to look fit before the wedding, yes before the wedding. Kite flying - if you read my old post there's a short one on it, I no longer fly because S lost my m&m mouse kite. Tennis - I used to play a bit during uni days. And now, swimming - I've been swimming almost everyday and even in the rain and even in the cold. That too, I have a pretty new swimsuit. I need new things to keep my interest on something. How about you? Do you need new gadgets to keep your passion alive?

My hobby at home is boiling water. I do it a few times ago. I love my kettle. My mom got it for me from Courts. It was a display set. You have no idea how many times I kept on going back to the shop to see if new stocks came and everytime I'm there I seem to miss the stock reload. Initially, I wanted a white one but the display ones had scratches but this baby blue one looked new. The salesman was pestering us to get the extended warranty for a couple of ten bucks but I think I didn't need it. If it spoils, I get to buy a new one - a white one =D.

My other hobby is drinking tea - my favourite is green, jasmine and oo long tea. Saturday, I had breakfast with dad. Not many places serves green tea with a side dish. Black Canyon Coffee serves it with mini alphabet biscuits.

Oo long tea during dinner at Ying Ker Lou hakka restaurant in the curve. Interesting pot. Too interesting I forgot to pour tea for the photo.

Ahh, finally my most addicted hobby - playing computer games. Excuse me, I'm going to play a game of Dota.

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